Recruitment for a PhD position in Electrochemical Physics at Utrecht University

job description

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PhD position: electrochemical physics


This four-year, fully funded PhD project centers around the theoretical prediction of electrochemical reactions at the interface between solid electrodes and aqueous electrolytes. These reactions are important in devices such as hydrolyzers, where electron transfer occurs between the electrode and (de)hydrated ions in redox reactions. This multiscale challenge is contained in a national consortium and involves the integration of statistical physics and chemical kinetics with fluid dynamics and numerics.

Your work

The Debye Institute for Nanomaterials Science (DINS) and the Institute for Theoretical Physics (ITP) are jointly recruiting a PhD student to work on a project in electrochemical (theoretical) physics. Although electrochemistry is a well-established field dating back to the nineteenth century, it is still full of fundamental physics challenges that have a direct impact on applications such as hydrogen production, batteries and catalysis. The general problem involves electron transfer processes during redox reactions near solid (or porous) cathode and anode atoms in contact with an aqueous electrolyte. This requires not only the (ohmic) transfer of electrons through an external circuit, but also the (ohmic, diffusive and advective) transfer of chemicals (reactants and products) through the liquid electrolyte (see figure).

Thus, atomic-scale reactions are related not only to the hydration and solubility of ions in the supporting electrolyte, but also to the polarization of water molecules and electric double layers in the nanometer range near the electrode. In addition, at the macroscopic (device) scale, even electrodynamic fluid flow phenomena (e.g., electroosmosis and diffusive osmosis) occur, which originate in the nanometer range in the vicinity of the electrode.

This project will address a number of profound challenges posed by this multiscale problem, based on and guided by recent and ongoing theoretical and experimental research in this area by the Embedded Consortium. Your task will be to learn and further develop the relevant theory:

Integrating redox reaction kinetics with microscopic modeling of electrolytes; and
Bridging the gap between nanoscale statistical physics and macroscopic (device-scale) osmotic flow phenomena.

Furthermore, in addition to theoretical development, an important task is the numerical computation of explicit electrochemical systems of interest to the Joint Laboratory. We provide an inspiring and stimulating environment at the crossroads of theoretical physics and electrochemistry, with extensive local embedding that combines not only physics and chemistry, but also theoretical and experimental, and possibly fundamental and applied aspects.

Within four years after the start of the project, a PhD thesis is expected to be completed and a PhD degree obtained from Utrecht University.

offer requirements

Your qualities

You have a broad interest in physics and chemistry, good oral and written communication skills, and a master’s degree in (theoretical) physics, theoretical chemistry, or a closely related (engineering or materials science) field. Experience in numerical methods and programming is required, a background in soft matter physics, physical chemistry and fluid dynamics is a plus.

offer benefits/salary

We offer

An exciting research environment with ample opportunity to present your own research ideas on topics;
Full-time employment for four years;
A working week of 38 hours, with a gross monthly salary of between €2,901 and €3,707 if working full-time (grade P salary according to the Collective Agreement on Labor in Dutch Universities (CAO NU));
8% vacation pay and 8.3% year-end bonus;
Pension scheme, partially paid parental leave and flexible employment terms based on the CAO NU.

In addition to the external link employment terms set out in the CAO NU, Utrecht University offers a range of its own programs and facilities for employees. These include external links for professional development, vacations, external links for sports and cultural events, and discounts on software and other IT products. We also offer additional employee benefits through our Terms of Employment Option Model. In this way, we encourage our employees to continue to invest in their own growth. For more information, visit the Utrecht University Jobs website.

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