Job description
PhD Position Find2Fix: Reducing Software Errors with Transparent Artificial Intelligence
Find2Fix will design the first open source tool for the entire process from software error discovery to mitigation based on modern active learning (PhD1) and synthesis (PhD2) techniques.
You will study the latest technologies in the field of Artificial Intelligence and apply them to real software problems of our industrial partners: ASML and DCODIS (a startup). This is a technically challenging applied research whose main outcome is a proof-of-concept tool that helps developers quickly find and fix software bugs, including security vulnerabilities. You will innovate the Find2Fix pipeline by using state machine models and LLM-based explanations to make the different steps, including found issues and recommended patches, easier to understand. You will provide the community with the first self-healing software tool for research, education and industrial use. The results of your research will be published and presented in the international artificial intelligence, software engineering and security communities.
The first position focuses on discovering new bugs using behavioral models learned from software. You will extend fuzzy techniques by learning such models in real time and use them to: bootstrap fuzzers, discover logic faults and identify their root causes. This work builds on the work of the Network Analysis Lab ( and CISElab ( at Delft University of Technology.
The second position focuses on finding patches for identified bugs. You will work on and extend template- and LLM-based program repair using modern program synthesis techniques based on the Herb toolkit (
The project is a close collaboration between the labs of Delft University of Technology and the Department of Digital Security and Software Science at Radboud University. Together with other members of the team, you will build demonstrators for the Find2Fix technology at our industrial partners.
You will work in the Network Analysis and CISE labs of the Algorithms Research Group and the Software Engineering Research Group of the Department of Software Technology under the supervision of Dr. Sicco Verwer, Dr. Annibale Panichella and Dr. Sebastijan Dumancic. The goal of the Algorithms Research Group is to design and understand the fundamental properties of algorithms for intelligent decision making in real-world applications, such as coordinating power loads under network constraints, planning logistics flows in container terminals, or finding the root cause of system failures. In addition to addressing the scalability challenge, we work towards two main research goals. First, we aim to understand how to learn models that are useful for upstream planning, scheduling, and validation tasks, and how to deal with their uncertainties. Our second research goal is to understand how to effectively incorporate stakeholder behavior and preferences in the algorithmic decision-making process. The Software Engineering Research Group (SERG) has a strong focus on empirical research and works closely with software development practices.SERG is known for its research in software testing, program analysis, software library mining, and empirical software engineering in close collaboration with industry partners.
As a candidate, you will have the opportunity to work with experienced researchers, attend conferences, and experience an international research environment. The position will be research-oriented, with the option to participate in education and mentoring students.
offer requirements
Master’s degree in Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence, or Mathematics.
Have an interest in computer security.
In addition to having a curious mind, you have excellent programming skills.
Possess excellent written and verbal communication skills in English.
offer benefits
Delft University of Technology has a strong foundation. As the creator of the world-famous Dutch Waterworks and a pioneer in biotechnology, Delft University of Technology is a leading international university of science, engineering and design. It delivers world-class results in education, research and innovation, and is able to meet challenges in the fields of energy, climate, transportation, health and the digital society. For generations, our engineers have proven to be entrepreneurial problem solvers in business and social contexts.
At TU Delft, we have made diversity one of our core values and are actively committed to being a university where you feel at home and can flourish. We value different perspectives and qualities. We believe that this makes our work more innovative, the TU Delft community more vibrant and the world more just. Together we imagine, invent and create solutions that utilize technology to make a positive impact on a global scale. This is why we invite you to apply. Your application will be considered fairly.
Challenge. Change. Impact!
School of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science
The School of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS) brings together three scientific disciplines. Combined and mutually reinforcing, they are the driving force behind the technologies we use in our daily lives. Our faculties are helping to make technologies such as the power grid fully sustainable and future-proof. At the same time, we are developing the chips and sensors of the future and laying the foundations for the software technologies that will run on the next generation of devices, including, of course, artificial intelligence. At the same time, we are pushing the limits of applied mathematics, for example by using single-cell data to map disease processes and by using mathematics to simulate huge ash flows after volcanic eruptions. In other words: the Academy has plenty of room for groundbreaking research. We train innovative engineers and have state-of-the-art laboratories and facilities that underline our strong international position. In total, more than 1,000 staff and 4,000 students work and study in this innovative environment.
Click here to go to the School of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science website.
Terms and conditions of employment PhD candidates will in principle be offered a 4-year term of employment, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. The first contract will be for 1.5 years with a formal go/no-go progress assessment within 15 months. If all goes well and performance requirements are met, a supplementary contract of 2.5 years is signed.
Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Dutch University Collective Labor Agreement and increase from €2,901 per month in the first year to €3,707 in the fourth year. As a PhD student, you will be enrolled in the Graduate School of Delft University of Technology. The Graduate School of Delft University of Technology has an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and mentors to provide you with an inspiring research environment. The doctoral education program is designed to develop your transferable, discipline-relevant and research skills.
Delft University of Technology offers customizable remuneration packages, discounts on health insurance and a monthly allowance for work expenses. Flexible working hours can be arranged.
Do you need to relocate to the Netherlands for this job? Delft University of Technology is committed to making your relocation as smooth as possible! The HR department “Come to Delft Services” provides information on its website to help you prepare for your relocation. In addition, “Come to Delft Services” organizes events to help you settle in the Netherlands and expand your (social) network in Delft. We also offer a “Dual Career Program” to help your accompanying partner find a job in the Netherlands.
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