Delft University of Technology recruits for PhD position in Hydrogen Combustion

job description

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Join the HyUSE project at Delft University of Technology to revolutionize hydrogen combustion and drive the transition to cleaner and more efficient energy systems! The PhD project focuses on experimental studies of hydrogen combustion in sequential combustion systems and combustion in weak environments, both of which are frequently encountered in low NOx burners, furnaces and many other applications. Sequential combustion involves burning fuel in multiple stages rather than in a single combustion chamber. In this process, the hot gases produced in the first combustion stage are channeled into subsequent combustion stages where more fuel is injected and burned. This staged configuration provides better control of combustion parameters, reduces pollutant emissions and offers significant advantages in gas turbine operation. An optically accessible segmented combustor has been developed at the Combustion Laboratory of the Delft University of Technology. The goal of the PhD research is to improve and calibrate the device and to perform state-of-the-art laser diagnostics in order to better understand the segmented combustion process involving mixtures of hydrogen and other fuels from a scientific point of view. The PhD students will use the experimental results to fine-tune the reaction mechanisms and incorporate the improved reaction kinetic mechanisms to identify the main pollution formation pathways. The improved knowledge will be translated into design rules for the segmented combustion of hydrogen or hydrogen-rich fuels. The PhD position is a joint position between the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering and the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at TU Delft. The PhD student will work under the leadership of the Head of the Department of Sustainable Aircraft Propulsion in the Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, in cooperation with the Department of Process and Energy in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. The PhD student will work within the HyUse project (Groenevermogen WP3), co-sponsored by the Growth Funds of the Dutch Government.The HyUSE joint project is a public-private partnership between universities, research institutes, and industrial partners focusing on the use of hydrogen in the Dutch industrial sector for various uses.

offer requirements

We are looking for a talented and curious person in combustion science with a Master of Science/Engineering/Technology degree or equivalent from a reputable university. Preferably, he/she should have published scientific papers in his/her master’s thesis or related work. We expect the PhD candidate to be able to work in a team and be able to communicate and collaborate with other partners in the project as well as with other researchers within the research group.

offer benefits/salary

The PhD candidate will in principle be employed for a period of 4 years, but in the form of 2 employment contracts. The first contract will be for 1.5 years with a formal go/no-go progress assessment within 15 months. If all goes well and performance requirements are met, a supplementary contract of 2.5 years will be signed. Salary and benefits are in accordance with the Dutch University Collective Labor Agreement and increase from €2,901 per month in the first year to €3,707 in the fourth year. As a PhD student, you will be enrolled in the Graduate School of Delft University of Technology. The Graduate School of Delft University of Technology has an excellent team of supervisors, academic staff and mentors to provide you with an inspiring research environment. The doctoral education program is designed to develop your transferable, discipline-relevant and research skills. Delft University of Technology offers customizable remuneration packages, discounts on health insurance and a monthly allowance for work expenses. Flexible working hours can be arranged. For international applicants, TU Delft offers the “Come to Delft Service”. This service provides new international employees with information to help you prepare for relocation and settle down in the Netherlands. The Come to Delft Service offers dual career programs for partners and organizes events to expand your (social) network.

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