呼吸治疗师 – 全职
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-therapist-full-time-3/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare […]
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-therapist-full-time-3/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare […]
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-therapist-part-time-6/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/customer-care-specialist-2/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-account-manager-2/ “Improving the life of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-therapist-prn/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/respiratory-therapist-part-time-5/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/patient-service-technician-%e9%80%81%e8%b4%a7%e5%8f%b8%e6%9c%ba/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/customer-service-officer-2/ “Improving the life of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/clinical-liaison/ “Improving the lives of those with chronic care diseases while providing solutions to our customers” 正在寻找新的机会?在 SuperCare
职位描述 本站申请链接 https://en.w3offer.com/job/branch-manager-2/ 我们是谁: SuperCare Health 是美国西部领先的急性期后居家呼吸护理提供商,近 50 年来一直致力于满足不断增长的患者群体的医疗保健需求。我们专注于呼吸系统和慢性疾病管理,提供创新的解决方案以提高患者的生活质量。我们追求卓越的承诺使我们成为全国医疗服务提供商值得信赖的合作伙伴。 我们正在寻找: SuperCare Health正在招聘一名经验丰富的分部经理,负责监督以患者为中心的团队和指定分部的整体运营。这项工作包括监督日常运营、跟踪和管理分店的财务、管理销售以及确保关键产品的有效采购和库存管理。您的领导力和战略技能对于发展团队,推动以客户为中心的解决方案,同时确保分行的成功和盈利能力至关重要。 您将从事的工作: 日常运营管理: 监督和协调分行内的所有活动,确保运营顺利高效。 财务管理: 跟踪和管理息税折旧摊销前利润(EBITDA),以达到或超过预算财务目标。 销售责任: 制定和执行销售战略,以推动收入和实现销售目标。 监控和评估销售团队的业绩,根据需要提供辅导和指导。