Website Eindhoven University of Technology
Job description
PhD Position in Digital Twin Modeling and Induced Earthquake Prediction
Project Description
Position Description
Are you fascinated by the complex physics of stabilizing emulsions?
Are you inspired by the physics of soft matter systems and the phenomenology of (induced) earthquakes (analogies between the two)?
Are you passionate about programming and high performance computing?
Are you eager to collaborate with geophysics colleagues and analyze field data?
We are looking for a motivated PhD candidate who will advance the fundamental understanding of the physics of dense stable emulsions to develop quantitative analogies for (induced) earthquakes.
Injection or extraction of fluids into the shallow subsurface carries the risk of inducing earthquakes. Due to the complexity of the phenomena involved, it is currently not possible to develop an explicit multi-physics field system to model fluid migration induced earthquakes. In this project, you will contribute to the development of a digital twin system for induced earthquakes based on numerical modeling of soft glass dynamics.
You will build on some preparatory work [1-6] to show that soft glass follows stick-slip dynamics at stresses below the yield stress and to closely simulate the empirical laws of tectonic earthquakes (Gutenberg-Richter’s law, Omori’s law, inter-event time distribution). The model needs to be adapted to the specific site conditions where the induced earthquakes occur. This is the core part of this project. Once adjusted, the digital twin model will replicate what happened at the site. In addition, once tuned, different fluid migration scenarios can be tested, for example, exploring which scenario might produce induced earthquakes with the steepest Gutenberg-Richter slope.
Improving the understanding of earthquakes may have important societal implications. It could provide stakeholders with a tool for controlling induced earthquakes caused by near-subsurface fluid movement and could also support the prediction of seismic hazards.
The PhD program will focus on the statistics of space-induced earthquakes.
Benzi, R., Kumar, P., Toschi, F., Trampert, J. (2016). Seismic statistics and plastic events in soft glass materials. Monthly Geophysical Supplement of the Royal Astronomical Society, 207 (3), 1667-1674.
Kumar, P., Korkolis, E., Benzi, R., Denisov, D., Niemeijer, A., Schall, P., Toschi, F., Trampert, J. (2020). Inter-event time distribution of avalanche dynamics. Scientific Reports , 10 (1), 626.
Kumar, P., Benzi, R., Trampert, J., Toschi, F. (2020). A multicomponent lattice Boltzmann method for studying the causality of plasticity events.Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A , 378 (2175), 20190403.
Trampert, J., Benzi, R., Toschi, F. (2022).Implications of the statistics of seismicity recorded within the Groningen gas field.Netherlands Journal Netherlands Journal of Geosciences , 101 , e9.
Kumar, P., Benzi, R., Trampert, J., Toschi, F. (2023). Direct observations of causal links in plastic events and their relevance to seismology. Physical Review Research, 5 (3), 033211.
Kumar, P. P. (2021). A statistical study of soft glass for applications in seismology . [Phd Thesis] Eindhoven University of Technology https://research.tue.nl/en/publications/statistical-studies-on-a-soft-glass-for- applications-in-seismolog
offer requirements
Job Requirements
We are looking for an enthusiastic and motivated PhD student with a solid background in fluid dynamics, statistical physics, computational physics and high performance computing.
A master’s degree (or equivalent university degree) in (applied) physics, mechanical engineering or a related field.
A research-oriented attitude.
Familiarity with computational (fluid dynamics) methods and parallel (GPU) programming.
Ability to work in a team.
Fluent in spoken and written English.
offer benefits
Employment conditions
A rewarding career in a dynamic and ambitious university, in an interdisciplinary environment and within an international network. You will work on a beautiful green campus within walking distance of the central train station. In addition, we offer you
Full-time employment for four years, with a mid-term evaluation (go/no-go) after nine months. 10% of your working time is dedicated to teaching duties.
Salary and benefits (e.g. pension scheme, paid pregnancy and maternity leave, partially paid parental leave) according to the Dutch Universities Collective Labor Agreement, level P (minimum € 2,901, maximum € 3,707).
8.3% year-end bonus and 8% annual vacation pay.
High-quality training programs and other support to help you grow into a self-aware, autonomous scientific researcher. At TU/e, we encourage you to learn on your own.
State-of-the-art technical infrastructure, on-campus nursery and sports facilities.
Subsidized commuting, work-from-home and internet costs.
Employee immigration team and tax compensation program for international candidates (30% facilitation).
To apply for this job please visit tue.nl.